
New Book: Shotgun Seamstress

We are super excited about the release of Shotgun Seamstress: An Anthology tomorrow. You can order the book from its publisher Soft Skull Press.

Shotgun Seamstress: An Anthology, OSA ATOE

A cut & paste celebration of Black punk and outsider identity, this is the only complete collection of the fanzine Shotgun Seamstress, a legendary DIY project that centered the scope of Blackness outside of mainstream corporate consumerist identity.

In 2006, Osa Atoe was inspired to create an expression out of the experience of being the only Black kid at the punk show—and Shotgun Seamstress was born.

Like a great mixtape where radical politics are never sidelined for an easier ride, Shotgun Seamstress was a fanzine by and for Black punks that expressed, represented, and documented the fullest range of being, and collectively and individually explored “all of our possibilities instead of allowing the dominant culture to tell us what it means to be Black.”

Laid out by hand, and photocopied and distributed in small batches, each issue featured essays, interviews, historical portraits of important artists and scenes, reviews, and more, all paying tribute to musicians and artists that typify free Black expression and interrupt notions of Black culture as a monolith.

Featuring figures such as Vaginal Cream Davis, the seminal Black punk band Death, Poly Styrene, Bay Area rocker Brontez Purnell, British post-punker Rachel Aggs, New York photographer Alvin Baltrop, Detroit garage rocker Mick Collins and so many others, in the pages of this book rock’n’roll is reclaimed as Black music and a wide spectrum of gender and sexuality is represented. Collecting and anthologizing the layouts as they were originally photocopied by hand, this collection comprises all eight issues created between 2006 and 2015.

For more information on this brilliant publication, check out this article from The Guardian.

miscellaneous zine librarians

Cool Things We’ve Cataloged

The RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee‘s Program Planning Group will be holding its Cool Things We’ve Cataloged Lightning Talks on Friday, October 28, 2022 at 3pm EST.

In this webinar Amy Swanson, Geanna M. Hernandez-Phan, Kim Schwenk, Leia Lynn, and Linh Uong will be discussing interesting and challenging collections or items they have cataloged. These include Risograph-printed zines, mystery novels, a 17th century legal document, and a collection of STEM kits.

To join us, please register here for the login information.

miscellaneous updates

New Website Designs

We’ve been thinking about new designs for our website and are currently working with HaiDev on an accessibility audit for our webpage.

Website mock-up with about text and navigation tabs on top, featuring the ZineCat paw logo.
Website mock-up on a white background with navigation buttons.
Mock-ups for a new website layout. Which do you prefer?

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on what you would like to see on the ZineCat website. How can we better serve your zine search needs? Check out some of our designs and please feel free to add your input in the comments below.


Revisiting Foundations – Code of Ethics

As a new school year begins, we thought it would be a perfect time to revisit our foundations in the Zine Librarians Code of Ethics. This document (and zine) was first drafted in 2014 at the Zine Librarians (un)Conference in Durham, NC. The Code of Ethics was written to establish a set of core values that inform and guide the work of zine librarians. These values are openly shared in order to strengthen communication and build trust within the zine community. It is expected to continually change and grow as the needs of the community evolves.

The Zine Librarians Code of Ethics was created by Heidy Berthoud, Joshua Barton, Jeremy Brett, Lisa Darms, Violet Fox, Jenna Freedman, Jennifer LaSuprema Hecker, Lillian Karabaic, Rhonda Kauffman, Kelly McElroy, Milo Miller, Honor Moody, Jude Vachon, Madeline Veitch, Celina Williams, and Kelly Wooten.

Cover of Zine Librarians Code of Ethics Zine featuring a black and white photo of a cat sitting on top of xeroxed copies of pre-assembled zines.

If you have any comments or concerns for the Code of the Ethics, please email zinepavilion at gmail dot com. Thank you!

miscellaneous zine librarians

Zine Subject Thesaurus

Last week we discussed the Homosaurus, so we thought we should also feature the similarly important work being done by Anchor Archive! For those who don’t know, Anchor Archive uses its own customized thesaurus of subject terms (or keywords) to describe zines in their collection. They developed it between 2008 through 2013 because they wanted to use subject terms that were more accessible, current, and radical than standard subject headings, like the Library of Congress Subject Headings. This Zine Subject Thesaurus is used by other zine libraries and zine collections around the world, including at ZineCat!

Black and white logo of Anchor Archive Zine Library which features a typewriter on an anchor in the center, framed by hand-drawn stars.

You can find the full Zine Subject Thesaurus here. The Anchor Archive is currently updating its thesaurus in collaboration with other zine librarians. Please do get in touch if you would like to get involved. Email them at anchorarchive AT and follow them on Instagram @anchor_archive.

miscellaneous zine librarians

Support the Homosaurus

A dinosaur stands in front of a rainbow with "Homosaurus" written in bright pink below it.

Last month at the Zines + Libraries Conference, we learned about the incredible work of The Homosaurus. The Homosaurus is an international linked data vocabulary of LGBTQ terms that supports improved access to LGBTQ resources within cultural institutions. Designed to serve as a companion to broad subject term vocabularies, the Homosaurus is a robust and cutting-edge vocabulary of LGBTQ-specific terminology that enhances the discoverability of LGBTQ resources. 

This vocabulary is intended to function as a companion to broad subject term vocabularies, such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings. Libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions are encouraged to use the Homosaurus to support LGBTQ research.

To support the project, purchase a shirt from their online shop! T-shirts are currently on sale for $15 until tomorrow (8/10) at 5pm CT.

White t-shirt featuring the Homosaurus logo of a dinosaur in front of a rainbow.
This t-shirt could be yours! Purchase at their online store. All sale proceeds are used to support the project or are donated to LGBTQ+ organizations.
miscellaneous zine librarians

Last Day of #IZM – HalloZine!

To wrap up International Zine Month, we are remembering zinesters that are no longer with us. This HalloZine, we are we thinking of Jude Vachon. Vachon was a librarian who started the zine library at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh in 2008. One of her most widely known projects was a resource she created called Be Well! Pittsburgh. It began as a zine and later became a website, offering detailed lists of Pittsburgh-area healthcare practitioners and clinics available to the poor, the uninsured, and the underinsured. Jude Vachon also co-organized the Feminist Zine Fest Pittsburg with Jayla Patton and Anne Schwann. The reverberations of her work continue to impact the greater zine community.

Photograph of Jayla Patton, Anne Schwann and Jude Vachon
Feminist Zine Fest Pittsburgh organizers Jayla Patton, Anne Schwann and Jude Vachon
Image Credit: Pittsburgh City Paper

Take this HalloZine to revisit Jude’s contribution to Learning to Love You More:

Assignment #40
Heal yourself.

“Cure for Depression”
Jude Vachon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA

Go and watch some birds. But allow yourself to be intimate about it, and to participate in it yourself. Do not to be an observer with a field guide.
Crows are very, very smart. So smart they’ll make you laugh out loud. Feed them several round cookies and watch how they stack them before they make off with them. If you invest yourself they will usually be up for a personal relationship with you, over time.
If you’re in the Mid-Atlantic region, watch the huge throngs of starlings gathering and playing all over the skies together and having conferences in trees before they head south for the winter. They are really very good at being loud together.
Blue Jays are huge bitches. They are mean and nasty and scream. Enjoy that.
There’s much more.
Do whatever is necessary to make room for this. I do mean whatever is necessary. It’s serious.

About Learning to Love You More

Learning to Love You More is both a web site and series of non-web presentations comprised of work made by the general public in response to assignments given by artists Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher. Yuri Ono designed and managed the web site.

miscellaneous zine librarians

#IZM – Post online about your favorite zines!

For July 28th, we are talking about our favorite zines.

Queering Friendships Zine by Mixed Rice Zines

This zine is a charming riso-printed booklet dedicated to exploring love and intimacy between queer friends and platonic lovers. It features submissions from queer, trans, and non-binary artists of colors. Broken Pencil also selected this zine for Group Zine of the Year in 2021.

Image of a green zine, with hand-drawn images of letters and photographs with the text "Queering Friendships Zine"
Image Credit: Mixed Rice Zines

About Mixed Rice Zines

Mixed Rice Zine is a small DIY press run by artist J Wu, featuring a mixture of voices that celebrate QTBIPOC resilience. Their zines invite queer and trans artists of color to send in writing, photography, comics, poetry, interviews, illustration and more.

Riot Grrrl Zines

Every discussion of zines will inevitably intersect with Riot Grrrl, a punk feminist movement that emerged in the late 1980s and early ’90s in reaction to pervasive sexism, racism, and homophobia in the punk music scene and in the culture at large. Emphasizing female and youth empowerment, collaborative organization, creative resistance, and DIY ethics, the Riot Grrrl movement generated hundreds of self-published zines. A sampling of zines, posters, and printed matter from the 1980s and ’90s can be found in this fabulous book, edited by Lisa Darms and published in 2013.

A flyer by Kathleen Hanna of the band Bikini Kill sets out her manifesto for change; and the first issue of the zine Riot Grrrl, by Molly Neuman and Allison Wolfe, July 1991. Image Credit: The Feminist Press

About the Editor

Lisa Darms is Senior Archivist at the Fales Library & Special Collections at NYU, and founder of the Fales Riot Grrrl Collection. She holds an MA in History and Archival Management from NYU, an MFA in Photography from the University of Washington, and a BA from the Evergreen State College. Her writing has been published in The BelieverWomen & Performance Journal, and Archivaria. Before coming to archives she taught photography, worked as a custom photo printer, and was a member of the collaborative art group Thin Ice. Darms grew up in British Columbia, Canada.

miscellaneous zine librarians

Highlighting Queer Zine Library for Zine Library Day

July 21st is Zine Library Day! To celebrate, we wanted to highlight the Queer Zine Library. The Queer Zine Library is a UK-based DIY mobile library with an emphasis on radical LGBTQIA+ self-publishing.

Inspired by the Hong Kong-based Queer Reads Library, Queer Zine Library collection was officially formed in June 2019 with the first iteration of the Queer Zine Library taking place at Gunnersbury LGBT Late event in 2019. Since then, it has travelled across the UK in pop-ups and residencies.

Queer Zine Library is led by a collective of volunteers who catalogue, fundraise, host workshops, and develop the collections. The library includes 800+ zines and self-published material. The majority of these zines are published in the UK, Europe, and USA  from 1980s to present day. These zines include perzines, fanzines, chapbooks, community newsletters and small press comics. They span themes of activism, queer punk, fandom, sex, relationships, mental health, LGBT spaces and nightlife.

Follow them on Instagram and be sure to check out their incredible digital catalogue. Currently, about a 1/4th of their collection is catalogued.

An image of a couple dozen colorful zines laid out on a yellow cloth. Some titles include "Queer Arab Women" and "Poor Little Dyke Girl."
A sampling of some of the zines in the Queer Zine Library. Image Credit: Queer Zine Library

P.S. This is still a relatively new development, but ZineCat and the Queer Zine Library have been in conversation to add their collection into our database in the near future once we streamline our ingest process. We are very excited!


Zine Distro Appreciation Day

July 19th is Zine Distro Appreciation Day according to this awesome poster Alex Wrekk of the Stolen Sharpie Revolution made. [For more details, see post from a couple weeks ago!]

For the occasion, we are highlighting a few zine distros. Zine Distros distribute zines! They are usually small operations that will sell zines either in person or online. Here are a few zine distros to follow and support:

Brown Recluse Zine Distro – Oakland, CA

Brown Recluse is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit zine distro for and by queer and trans, black, indigenous and people of color. They were established in 2013 as a direct response to the lack of support in the zine community for non-white creators. Brown Recluse exists to strengthen our ties and highlight our intersectional, relatable experiences.

Portland Button Works – Portland, OR

Portland Button Works is a distro and shop that is deeply rooted in a DIY and punk ethos. They focus on zines that reveal how the personal is political. The shop also carries buttons and books on witchcraft, paganism, and the occult.

Bluestockings Cooperative – New York, NY

Bluestockings Cooperative is a worker-owned community space and bookstore guided by the principles of abolition, feminism, solidarity, and transformative justice practices. They carry zines from new and established authors, and those on abolition and political education, disability justice, DIY and how-to, perzines (memoir), and other educational and creative non-fiction titles.

You might also discover new zines and support zine distros by checking out your local zine fests. I was astonished to find a quick online search “zine fest” yielded a ton of upcoming zine festivals from Bonita, CA to ones in Cambodia and New Zealand. Chances are there will be zine fests around you too!

Screen capture of a Google search for "zine fest."
A quick Google search of “zine fest” pulled up a ton of results!

What are some of your favorite zine distros? We would love to hear about them in the comments.
