final zine

Zine Cat Zine Playlist

Our final zine catalog presentation will be accompanied by a zine because you gotta bring a little analog to the digital humanities sometimes, right?

The zine will include a playlist. Got any recommendations for songs to catalog zines to? You can add your suggestions here in the comments or fill out the form or tweet them at us.

Grey cat paws messing with audio knobs.

Public domain image from

advisory board updates

Advisory Board

A page from a zine featuring the text, "stay open minded."
Photo by Katie Fiore from Ideas Text Used with permission.

We are so pleased to have members of various communities (CUNY Graduate Center folks, designers, digital humanists, librarians, technologists, zine creators, and zine librarians) advising us on this project–helping us keep our minds open! Members of our advisory board have agreed to respond to short surveys, but we will also share the surveys with anyone who wants to provide feedback. Stay tuned for the next three-question-questionnaire.

In the meantime, we would like to identify and thank our advisory board, for all the world to see. Members include (bold indicates confirmed for 2018)

Adela Licona, Director :: Institute for LGBT Studies & Associate and Professor :: Department of English
Mr. Elvis, zine maker
Eric Goldhagen, Openflows technologist
Joan Jocson-Singh, Head, Technical Services. Leonard Lief Library |Lehman College, CUNY
Jojo Karlin, Digital Fellow, CUNY Graduate Center
Kate Eichhorn, Associate Professor of Culture and Media Studies, The New School
LaMesha Staples, zine maker
Milo Miller, Queer Zine Archive Project
Suze Myers, freelance designer, zine maker
Adam Paradis
Ziba Zehdar-Gazdecki, zine librarian, zine maker
