capstone updates


We’re back to ingesting records, as we finally got a good extract from QZAP, thanks to zine librarian Dianne Laguerta, who worked with the data as part of a Code School program. And the records are still giving us/CollectiveAccess indigestion. 

A photo of a 1980s woman with a bloated middle, with a purple wash over it for some reason.
Another dated reference, this image is from a 1980s Pepto Bismol commercial


A baby bib that reads "I [heart] Bibliographies."
From Bibliography Baby Bibs shop on Cafe Press
We’re making a zine for our final project because that’s how we are, and we don’t want to weigh it down with an extensive bibliography. We’re posting the full bib here, and will link to it in our zine. Enjoy!


Data Cleaning in OpenRefine

A meme of Yoda from Star Wars saying "Dirty Data You Have; Clean It Up You Must."

While I did not get much work done this past weekend due to family commitments and lack of motivation because Jenna and I were in different states, I did have an opportunity to use some work time today on data cleaning. At NYU Libraries, where I work by day, there is a Community of Practice group that meets once a month to learn new skills in using OpenRefine, which is a “Java-based power tool that allows you to load data, understand it, clean it up, reconcile it, and augment it with data coming from the web. All from a web browser and the comfort and privacy of your own computer.” I have long suspected that this software would be very useful for ZineCat, so I am very excited that I got the opportunity to work in OpenRefine and also have an opportunity for monthly meetings and check ins as I learn this tool and use it to work on ZineCat. 


Dates Suck

This weekend we uploaded 8,880 records from the Denver Zine Library. And deleted them and uploaded them. Twice. The errors were exclusively date problems. I was going to let the problem records stand without the date fields, but then reconsidered because it seemed like there should be an easy fix. Just because I didn’t find it, doesn’t mean that there isn’t!

A screenshot of GChat conversation with Lauren: If I update the MAP again to skip alternate title, I won't get as many errors. I was just hoping that it would work for some of the items." J, "Like it would change its mind about them?" L: "Hope is silly in this situation tho. lol. yeah exactly."


Maps of MAPs

So we got the go ahead to submit our final paper as a zine for the capstone!  Yippee!! We were even told that it would be a wonderful first addition to the MADH program, but were also cautioned to not take on too much work.  Zines are a lot of work, but it does make the most sense for our project and furthermore, Jenna and I both like making zines, so it seems like the perfect medium to communicate the accomplishments of our work in grad school on the Zine Union Catalog.  If anyone reading this wants to suggest content for the zine, please read this 12 hours / week post that goes into some detail about what we are considering for inclusion in the final capstone zine and comment there…or contact us at 

In other update news, Jenna and our Openflows consultant were hard at work over the last week to create, adjust, and readjust the maps for ABC No Rio and Carnegie Library!  I should take a moment to acknowledge that our MAP is indeed a map that allows for us to direct the Collective Access system to map metadata from a spreadsheet filled with lots of information about the zine collections into the appropriate fields within the Collective Access system, but it also stands for Metadata Application Profile.  It’s also sometimes called a Crosswalk. The DPLA has a bit to say about the MAPs used for their system.  Collective Access also provides information for understanding their Data Importer (as CA calls it).
