capstone final zine

PostScript Shared Authority: Capstone Edition

It took this many attempts to print the sucker,

photo of ten versions of a zine layour


T Minus 4 Days Until Capstone Zine Submission

A meme of an orange tabby cat resting face on a concrete fence with the caption: Can't You See I'm Busy?

The last few weeks have been very productive and busy for us!  This last weekend was no different. We are getting ever closer to revealing the updated interface which will have more, more, more records.  31k+ records. That should be released by the end of the week, hopefully. There have been some additional ingest hiccups involving version control of ingest MAPs, dates continue to be a thorn, and it turns out that multiple fields of a data set pointing to the same field within Collective Access doesn’t turn out well (i.e. if there are multiple columns of data with “notes” — MARC 500 = Notes and 520 = Summary fields — all pointing to the CA field ca_objects.general_notes).  Eric from OpenFlows has been tremendously helpful in providing support to us in this process and along with Jenna has done some impressive troubleshooting. The solution to the last hiccup listed above was to add another field in Collective Access so that both data points can successfully transfer into the system. Now, we just have to figure out why some of the Subject Headings are showing up as numbers!   

class projects

Lauren’s ZineCat Independent Study

Just in time for the holidays, I am gifting everyone the final draft of my independent study report. It took me three semesters to complete, but it sure was fun. 🙂

A great big THANK YOU to Maura Smale who has been a great adviser and friend through the process of writing this.


Just Add ZineCats

This weekend our focus was the public interface, which was pretty much nonexistent on our development platform. Also, as it turns out, the live zinecat is a little dead. 

A screenshot of an internet browser reads, "This page isn't working / is currently unable to handle this request. / HTTP ERROR 500"


ZineCat White Paper update

A simple black and white drawing of a rectangular page folded in half, showing how to fold a paper to create a 4 page zine.

Dear Maura & Lisa (as well as anyone else reading this):

We would like to update you on our progress as we are about a month away from the date of submission for the capstone project.  We have ingested 31,919 records from six collections into the development site and will be working on finalizing the front end of ZineCat Dev Site so that it can be viewed by the public next weekend.  For now, take our word that you can discover a much greater sample of zine records! We had planned to include Anchor Archive (or at least their subject thesaurus) and reached out to a colleague that had shown interest in submitting zine records to us about a year ago (but we weren’t ready then to receive the additional collection), but neither of those prospects have come to fruition.  As has been noted in many updates over the last two+ months, Collective Access has provided its fair share of technical challenges. It’s not a perfect system, but let’s be honest, what is? We will be including a section in our white paper zine for software reviews and will be sure to cover all the imperfect technology we’ve encountered along the way!
